Pierce County Resource Guide to Services and Supports for Individuals
Who Experience Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities
(section links below).
Please call our office at 253.564.0707 to make arrangements to pick up your copy!
Dear Reader:
This Pierce County Resource Guide is dedicated to the hard work and commitment of those who have endeavored
timelessly over the years to “keep the promise.”
We want to acknowledge the generous support of Pierce County Human Services, Developmental Disabilities
Program, in providing the funds to update and print this important comprehensive guide to services and supports
for individuals who experience intellectual/ developmental disabilities. This important tool will assist you in
navigating the public and private programs and services available throughout Pierce County and beyond.
The Pierce County Coalition for Developmental Disabilities (PC2) welcomes the opportunity to assist individuals
and families in finding the services and programs that best meet your needs. We are here to answer your calls
if you need further assistance. Whether you are an individual who experiences an intellectual/developmental
disability, have a family member who experiences an intellectual/developmental disability, work within the disability
field, or are in the general community, we welcome your questions and concerns.
We acknowledge that, when compiling this complex list of resources, there are changes that can occur during the
production process. Please know that every effort was made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of agency
Our experiences speak to the complexities of parenting a child/youth with constant behavioral health care needs. We help parents: increase daily coping strategies, navigate systems (school, juvenile court, and mental health) and develop an on-going support network. Our mission is to strengthen families for the long-haul - building resiliency for life one family at a time!
Aging and Disability Resources offers a wide range of community-based services that allow older adults and adults with disabilities to remain at home as long as possible. These services address the needs of frail, older and functionally disabled adults living in Pierce County. ADR can review your service needs and eligibility, help you make informed choices and access services, help you develop a plan that addresses your health, housing and safety needs, review your situation and help you make changes to the plan as needed. ADR provides case management, family caregiver support, services to help unpaid caregivers caring for aging parents, ailing spouses, partners, disabled adult children, or friends suffering from a debilitating illness, Long Term Care Ombudsman, and an Aging & Disability Resource Center. ADR also provides Lifespan Respite care (or short-term relief) for families and primary caregivers to restore and strengthen their ability to continue providing care for a child or adult with special needs. Please visit our website or call for more information.
Washington State Allies in Advocacy (Allies) is an activist organization whose mission is to improve the lives of all people with developmental disabilities (DD). We are governed and staffed by people with DD. We advocate for policies and programs in all aspects of society that increase the power of people with DD to make the decisions to live the lives we choose, the ability to access all the resources available to everyone else, the opportunities to build wealth and have an equal say in our local, national and international communities. We believe the concerns of people with DD are often the same as many others who are trying to break down social and community barriers. We are committed to building partnerships to fight for common concerns. We believe all people with DD should be free from ableism and other forms of discrimination, be treated as equals not only in word but through the true exercise of power and have the same opportunities in our lives that are available to our neighbors.
Ambitions provides a variety of support services based on individual need and designed to preserve human dignity, protect civil and human rights and encourage the involvement and responsibility of the individual’s family and community. Individuals can expect to experience the following positive outcomes: competence to manage daily activities and pursue personal goals; health and safety; integration and participation in the social life of their communities; relationships with friends, relatives, neighbors, community members, and peers; personal power and choice; status and positive recognition by self and others.
American Association on Intellectual Developmental Disabilities (A.A.I.D.D.)
- Silver Spring
Since 1876, the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD) has been providing worldwide leadership in the field of intellectual and developmental disabilities. We're a powerful community of leaders with a strong voice and important mission. AAIDD, (formerly AAMR - American Association on Mental Retardation) is the oldest and largest interdisciplinary organization of professionals and others concerned about intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Advocates for educational opportunities, health care services, SSI benefits, and vocational training for the blind. Also provides an information service, scholarships, legal assistance, magazine in braille, large print, digital cartridge, and via email (free to members), holds annual conference/convention with large trade show featuring the latest high- and low-tech devices for blind and visually impaired people, and holds annual legislative day in Washington, DC Referrals to education, rehabilitation, jobs, recreation & adaptive aid services. We host an Internet radio station, ACB Radio - visit www.acbradio.org for more information.
The Arc of King County serves all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities across the lifespan: from prenatal diagnosis through end of life care. Our programs include: information and family support for parents, guardians, and siblings; supported living services for adults living in the community; representative payee for individuals needing financial management assistance; homelessness prevention for families at-risk of losing their housing; and advocacy for self-advocates, family members, and community allies seeking to make our community more systemically equitable for all people. We promote and protect the human and civil rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, actively supporting their full inclusion so that they can live, learn, work, and play in the community - making the world a better place for us all.
Provides a number of services for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Activities include: Medicaid parent provider trainings, statewide Parent to Parent, special needs trust accounts, systems advocacy, self-advocacy, and training for self-advocates/families regarding legislative advocacy.
The mission of Autism Society of Washington is to improve the lives of all affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders in Washington State. The vision of the Autism Society of Washington is to promote lifelong access to appropriate treatment and interventions for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their families. ASW also advances opportunities for individuals to be fully integrated and participating members of their communities by providing support to families and promoting advocacy, public awareness, education, and dissemination of current research related to autism. Check out our website for all the amazing links and information we provide.
An independent Ombuds service is required by law to assist publicly funded behavioral health consumers with complaints and grievances, and other processes. Consumers can request help with filing and resolving complaints, grievances and fair hearings. The Ombuds service strives to ensure that behavioral health consumers have their rights respected while receiving services. The Ombuds service is free of charge.
CFI is a non-profit organization serving as a resource for individuals with disabilities to fully access and participate in the community through outreach, advocacy, and independent living skills development. Our core services are: peer mentoring, info & referral, advocacy - individual and systemic, independent living skills training and transition services. Also offered: peer mentoring support groups, social activities and events, resource website, training on finding and keeping an attendant, and adaptive computer skills training. CFI serves Pierce, Thurston, South King, Snohomish, Skagit, Whatcom, Island, and San Juan Island Counties. Visit the website for additional statewide locations and contact info.
Children’s Advocacy Center of Pierce County
- Tacoma
Mary Bridge Child Abuse Intervention Department, Safe and Sound Building
When child abuse is disclosed, you may wonder where to turn, how the legal process works and how your family will be supported during an investigation. The Children’s Advocacy Center of Pierce County provides a child-focused, safe place for families to get help. We work in partnership with the Mary Bridge Child Abuse Intervention Department and other organizations to prevent, investigate, prosecute and treat child abuse. We serve children from birth through age 17 who are victims of suspected abuse or neglect and their families. Our center is recognized by the National Children’s Alliance and Children's Advocacy Centers of Washington State.
CDF provides a strong, effective and independent voice for all the children of America who cannot vote, lobby or speak for themselves. We pay particular attention to the needs of poor children, children of color and those with disabilities. CDF educates the nation about the needs of children and encourages preventive investments before they get sick, drop out of school, get into trouble or suffer family breakdown.
The Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates Inc. (COPAA) is an independent, non-profit, 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization of attorneys, advocates, parents and related professionals. There are 6.4 million children with disabilities in America. COPAA members work to protect the legal and civil rights of and secure excellence in education on behalf of tens of thousands of students with disabilities and their families each year at the national, state and local levels. Please visit our website to request assisstance.
DADS M.O.V.E. (Mentoring, Others with Voices of Experience)
- Lakewood
Our vision is to provide every male caregiver, in every community of the United States and its territories, the tools, support, and training needed to be fully engaged in the recovery of their children. No man in any part of this country, whether the largest metropolitan city or the most rural community, should be excluded from the opportunity to help their children and family flourish. Dads M.O.V.E. supports the use of evidence based practices to effectively help families. We offer: collaborative parenting skills, CIT training, juvenile justice, WRAP, high fidelity wraparound, S.M.A.R.T. IEP plans, and peer support specialists. Check out our website for more information and find us on Facebook.
DADS M.O.V.E. (Mentoring, Others with Voices of Experience)
- Omak
Our vision is to provide every male caregiver, in every community of the United States and its territories, the tools, support, and training needed to be fully engaged in the recovery of their children. No man in any part of this country, whether the largest metropolitan city or the most rural community, should be excluded from the opportunity to help their children and family flourish. Dads M.O.V.E. supports the use of evidence based practices to effectively help families. We offer: collaborative parenting skills, CIT training, juvenile justice, WRAP, high fidelity wraparound, S.M.A.R.T. IEP plans, and peer support specialists. Check out our website for more information and find us on Facebook.
DD Ombuds work to improve the lives of people with developmental disabilities by providing various services. If you need support, but don’t know where to go, the DD Ombuds will try to provide resources to point you in the right direction. We work with individuals with developmental disabilities, families, or legal representatives to try and resolve complaints about services. We regularly visit locations where individuals are receiving services, such as private and state-run supported living, institutions, group homes, private residences, and even employment or recreation. We make recommendations to service providers, the state and the Legislature on how to improve services.
Disability Rights Washington’s mission is to advance the dignity, equality, and self-determination of people with disabilities. We work to pursue justice on matters related to human and legal rights. Disability Rights Washington envisions a society where all people are treated with equality, dignity and respect for their expressed choices, and who have equal opportunities to participate in a society where abilities, rather than disabilities, are recognized.
The Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action (EOAA) supports the University’s compliance with the law and spirit of equal opportunity and affirmative action as it relates to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, citizenship, sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, or status as a disabled veteran or Vietnam-era veteran, or other protected veterans. UW EOAA oversees the University’s affirmative action program. It is one of the institutional points of contact for federal and state agencies for equal opportunity and affirmative action compliance inquiries and compliance confirmation. It is the vision of UW and EOAA to uphold the laws and respect equal opportunity in the selection and advancement of all qualified applicants and employees within the institution.
F.E.A.T. (Families for Effective Autism Treatment) of Washington
- Bellevue
FEAT has flourished since it was conceived in 1996 by five pioneering families who shared a need. Today, nearly 5,000 members - clients, families, therapists, other health-related professionals, business partners, and friends - comprise our large caring community. Our programs include family resources and Ben’s Fund Autism Grant. Family Resources provides one-on-one help via our family services resource line and online support groups so you can connect with other families who have a child with autism. Ben's Fund provides grant opportunities to families across Washington who need financial assistance with services specifically related to autism spectrum disorder. From therapies to equipment, we ease some of the financial strain associated with autism spectrum disorders. Ben's Fund accepts applications year-round for children and young adults ages 0-23.
The Fair Housing Center of Washington (FHCW) is a non-profit agency dedicated to ending illegal discrimination through the provision of fair housing education, outreach, and enforcement services to the residents of western Washington. Services include information and referral, complaint investigation, and advocacy. FHCW can provide resources and assistance regarding housing rights for persons with disabilities.
Friends of Rainier (FOR) is the recognized support group of families, guardians and friends of the residents of the state run central core facility, Rainier School for the Developmentally Disabled, in Buckley, WA. FOR was incorporated as a federally approved 501(c)3 non-profit in 1977. Our stated goals have always been to promote general welfare of all developmentally disabled people, but especially those at Rainier School. We meet regularly as a group with Rainier School staff, and raise funds to organize socials, parties and picnics on campus.
The vision of GAPP is to assure community members with developmental disabilities are able to live productive lives within their community. This will be accomplished with the support and in the interest of the community. One of GAPP's objectives is to facilitate person-centered planning activities and support individuals and their families on an on-going basis.
We offer advocacy, transition support, and individual & family support to help untangle the web, simplify complex challenges, and provide you and your child with the support you deserve. If you have any questions for us, please don't hesitate to give us a call or reach out via our contact page on our website. We respond to all messages within two business days.
Lifespan Respite WA (LRW) offers grant awards for unpaid, unserved family and other caregivers living in Washington. Grant awards are on a first come, first serve basis with statewide distribution of the available funding. Grant recipients then select their respite option from the current list of registered respite providers. In some circumstances, a particular respite provider may become a registered provider in order to serve a family. Eligibility includes the individual receiving the care being of any age (lifespan) and having a special need, condition, and/or disability and they are a currently an unpaid care provider. Respite services vary, including in-home care, adult day, overnight care, parks/recreation programs, camps, and equine services. Grant recipients have 90 days to utilize their award. To learn more about eligibility, how to apply and other respite services visit www.lifespanrespitewa.org/. (Located on the Tacoma Community College Campus in parking lot “I” as you enter from 12th Street; opposite side of the campus from TACID.)
It is the mission of Lifetime Advocacy Plus to enhance the lives and protect the rights of people with disabilities by providing guardianship; personal attention; advocacy; trust and financial management; and personal services.
IDSC formally merged with the LuMind RDS Foundation in 2019 and the combined organization was renamed to LuMind IDSC Foundation. Merging IDSC and LuMind RDS brings together the largest social media voice in the Down syndrome community with the leading organization supporting translational research for Down syndrome. Together, our combined resources can significantly empower families and create more opportunities for improved health and independence for all people with Down syndrome. The LuMind IDSC Foundation envisions a world where every person with Down syndrome thrives with improved health, independence, and opportunities to reach his or her fullest potential. LuMind IDSC will accelerate research to increase availability of therapeutic, diagnostic, and medical care options and will empower families through education, connections, and support.
Multicultural Self-Sufficiency Movement (formerly known as My Service Mind of Northwest) is a community based 501(c)3 non-profit organization serving the Puget Sound area. The mission of MSM is to provide critical integration and empowerment services that will lead to a path of self sufficiency for culturally, linguistically, and economic disenfranchised member of our society, including low-income individuals, limited English proficient persons, immigrants, refugees, and persons with diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds. Our mission is carried out through the following programs: education, employment, economic development, and social services. Please visit our website for more information.
March of Dimes leads the fight for the health of all moms and babies. We believe that every baby deserves the best possible start. Unfortunately, not all babies get one. We are changing that. Today we educate medical professionals and the public about best practices; we support lifesaving research; we provided comfort and support to families in NICUs; and we advocate for those who need us most, moms and babies. We are stronger and more committed than ever to guiding moms through every stage of the pregnancy journey. We are fighting for the smallest among us and advocating for their health each and every day. And we do so with the tools, technology and knowledge needed to build a brighter future for us all.
Our mission is to cultivate the advancement of the Latino and Indigenous communities by providing social services and educational programming while honoring heritage and culture through the arts. Our services include bilingual family services, advocacy and referral for individuals and families in crisis, guide and support for families through the court, healthcare, and social service system, and educational forums that effect the community.
Military OneSource provides you the resources you need in the form of special needs consultants. A consultant can assess your family's needs and answer your questions about education, finances, support groups and more. They can help you find and access: a needs assessment and local resources and services; information about specialized doctors, medical equipment resources and medical benefits; early intervention, special education and options after graduation; support for adults, including information on insurance, Social Security Disability Insurance, Supplemental Security Income, Medicare and Medicaid; respite care resources through TRICARE or community programs, and through each service branch. Please visit out website for directories, toolkits and resources.
NADD, The National Association for the Dually Diagnosed
- Kingston
NADD is an international association for persons with intellectual/developmental disabilities and mental health needs, comprised of individuals, families, and support professionals dedicated to enhancing the understanding and treatment of people experiencing co-occurring intellectual/developmental diagnoses (IDD) and mental health conditions or mental illness (MI). The mission is to promote leadership in the expansion of knowledge, training, policy, and advocacy for mental health practices that promote a quality life for individuals with dual diagnosis (IDD/MI) in their communities.
NAMI, National Alliance on Mental Illness, Seattle
- Seattle
Our mission is to address the unmet needs of individuals with mental illness and their families through advocacy, public education, information and referral, and self-help support groups. NAMI Seattle is the only organization in the Seattle area working specifically to fill the gaps in our local mental health system through peer-led education, referrals, and support. Originally established as “Washington Advocates for the Mentally Ill” in 1978, we worked with other concerned groups across the country to launch a national advocacy and support organization: The National Alliance on Mental Illness, or NAMI. Today, NAMI is the largest grassroots mental health organization in the nation. Our peer-led presentations, classes and support groups bridge the gap when medical models fail to meet our needs. We have over 40 years of experience elevating stories of lived experience and shining a spotlight on the unique needs of people and families navigating their own mental health journey.
NAMI, National Alliance on Mental Illness, Seattle
- Seattle
Our mission is to address the unmet needs of individuals with mental illness and their families through advocacy, public education, information and referral, and self-help support groups. NAMI Seattle is the only organization in the Seattle area working specifically to fill the gaps in our local mental health system through peer-led education, referrals, and support. Originally established as “Washington Advocates for the Mentally Ill” in 1978, we worked with other concerned groups across the country to launch a national advocacy and support organization: The National Alliance on Mental Illness, or NAMI. Today, NAMI is the largest grassroots mental health organization in the nation. Our peer-led presentations, classes and support groups bridge the gap when medical models fail to meet our needs. We have over 40 years of experience elevating stories of lived experience and shining a spotlight on the unique needs of people and families navigating their own mental health journey.
The National Down Syndrome Society is the leading human rights organization for all individuals with Down syndrome. The National Down Syndrome Society envisions a world in which all people with Down syndrome have the opportunity to enhance their quality of life, realize their life aspirations and become valued members of welcoming communities. Please visit our website for more information.
NJP is a statewide not for profit law firm that employs just over 100 lawyers working in 17 locations throughout Washington. NJP also has several specialized units or programs that serve particularly vulnerable and targeted populations, including farm workers, Native Americans, Western State Hospital patients, survivors of domestic violence and persons over 60 years old. NJP contracts with several private attorneys around the state who have agreed to accept cases for eligible clients if NJP lawyers in that region are not able to handle the case. These lawyers are paid by NJP (not the client) at a highly reduced rate from what they would normally charge for their services. NJP generally handles civil legal problems facing low income people due to lack of income, problems with education, employment or loss of employment, disabilities, discrimination, consumer abuse or illegal business practices, physical or family safety, barriers they have in seeking help, services or accessing the courts or other means of resolving disputes or addressing their needs. In addition to individual case work, NJP helps community groups and non-profit organizations working with low income families and individuals understand legal rights and obligations through community education presentations, trainings and consultation on legal problems community groups are addressing for themselves, their members or client constituencies. NJP also maintains a free legal resource website - www.washingtonlawhelp.org - with up to date legal information, forms and instructions. Persons seeking legal help outside King County are asked to call NJP’s CLEAR intake line, or in King County dial 211, for case screening and appropriate referral to NJP local offices or other civil legal aid providers in their community.
Office of the Deaf & Hard of Hearing (ODHH)
- Lacey
ODHH ensures that community members are able to have full and equitable access to public services. ODHH provides the community with the information, skills and tools needed to achieve effective communication access. ODHH promotes independence, breaks down communication barriers, enhances access and provides opportunities to this very small, marginalized and underserved community. Since 1979, ODHH has expanded to include these services: interpreter contracts, information and resources, assistive communication technology, telecommunication relay services, telecommunication equipment distribution, trainings and presentations for community members, social and health services (including seven regional service centers), and communication access modalities and education trainings for service providers.
PACER Center: Champions for Children with Disabilities
- Bloomington
PACER Center enhances the quality of life and expands opportunities for children, youth, and young adults with all disabilities and their families so each person can reach his or her highest potential. PACER operates on the principles of parents helping parents, supporting families, promoting a safe environment for all children, and working in collaboration with others. With assistance to individual families, workshops, materials for parents and professionals, and leadership in securing a free and appropriate public education for all children, PACER's work affects and encourages families in Minnesota and across the nation. In 1977, PACER began with one project: Parents Helping Parents. Thirty years and 30 programs later, PACER is still staffed primarily by parents of children with disabilities dedicated to educating other parents and improving the lives of families and children.
Washington State Parent to Parent is a network of 23 community programs serving all counties in the state. Programs provide emotional support and information to families of children with special needs or disabilities. Also offers trainings and educational events.
PartnerCafe - Bridging the Gap Across Sectors
- Lakewood
PartnerCafe is a consortium of city, state and federal agency decision-makers, including non-profit and faith-based organizations. We invite the community, the recipients of policies decided without their input, to share their experiences so we can change for the better. The vacuum we all work so hard to fill is the group’s recognition that we are interdependent. Each sector and each individual have an equal seat at the table. We work to improve social issues, develop “safe” places where voices make a difference, find common ground, and courageously make changes in how we view disparities in order to collectively “transform the lives of vulnerable populations.” We consist of “subject matter experts,” leaders and policy-makers in our respective fields. But we are also mothers, fathers, and disabled youth / adults, activists, and community members who made a decision to be led by and learn from the most vulnerable among us. That is who we are. Engage, inform then act, is what we do.
People First of Washington has been a strong and growing state wide self-advocacy organization since 1981 when we were officially incorporated and received our 501(c)3 status. We are a professional organization with a board of directors composed of members with disabilities representing all areas of the state, who oversee the organization and it’s activities. Staff are trained and experienced in educating, supporting, and working with all of the members and communities we serve. We also have numerous resources for training materials on self-advocacy, leadership, fundraising, etc. Please visit our website for more information.
Provides ongoing training for facilitators, as well as support for parents and self-advocate mentors through person-centered plans that utilize maps and graphics. We work in partnership with school districts and can contract privately for individual plans. (Located on the Tacoma Community College Campus in parking lot “I” as you enter from 12th Street; opposite side of the campus from TACID.)
Pierce County Coalition for Developmental Disabilities (PC2)
- Tacoma
PC2 is a parent-driven 501(c)3 organization responsible for providing clear, consistent information for families and individuals who experience developmental disabilities in Pierce County, Washington. PC2: provides resource links and follow-up/follow-along services for families; publishes a quarterly newsletter with relevant articles and information; publishes a comprehensive Resource Guide of services and supports; conducts educational meetings on a variety of topics; provides information at resource and vendor fairs throughout the county; provides a Home Ownership Down Payment Assistance Program for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families; co-hosts an annual Legislative Forum for constituents to meet and speak with their elected officials; provides information on how the legislative process works and how your voice can make a difference; shows you how you can connect with legislators and how to advocate for yourself; helps families find their voice!
Relatives Raising Children keeps families intact by providing resources and advocacy to kinship and relative caregivers who are raising children not theirs by birth. Some of the reasons children come to live with relatives include death, deployment, incarceration or abandonment. These newly formed families need information and resources to help manage the initial transition process. Services are available to Pierce County residents at no cost. Services include: information, referral, resources, advocacy, IMPACT seminars (non-parental custody), Hopescloset, counseling, relatives raising children support groups, scholarships for youth activities, emergency assistance, and community resouces.
Our team has supported individuals and families of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities to realize their full potential at school, home, work, and in the community. Our team has facilitated learning and growth of schools, hospitals, and a variety of public and private institutions. Specialized services include: adult supported living, children & family services, community & employment services and training & consultation services. Please visit our website for more information and to find the phone number and location nearest you.
Sherwood exists to create an inclusive society where children and adults with disabilities have the ability to live full, independent lives as part of their communities. Sherwood was started in 1957 by eight families of children with disabilities who were excluded from a public education. Together, they created Sherwood to prove that their children not only had the right, but the ability to learn. People with disabilities were segregated and isolated due to the societal expectation that they would be cared for out of the public eye; they were in effect considered second class citizens and deemed incompetent without any rights. While society has advanced significantly in the past 60+ years, current education and employment statistics throughout our state and county are not reflective of a truly inclusive community for people with disabilities. Sherwood strives to create an inclusive society where children and adults with disabilities have the ability to live full, independent lives as a part of their community.
Smith Habilitation Services provides Specialized Habilitation Services and Community Engagement Services to adults with developmental disabilities and other disorders.
We are contracted with DDA of Washington State. We are licensed and bonded with Washington State. (Previous company name was Quality Community Outings.) We serve Pierce, Thurston, and Kitsap Counties.
Social Security Disability Resource Center (SSDRC)
Social Security Disability Resource Center (SSDRC)
The goal of SSDRC.COM, the Social Security Disability Resource Center, is to inform readers about how the Social Security Disability and SSI Disability process works from start to finish. This includes what to expect before, during, and after a disability application has been processed, common mistakes that need to be avoided, and what to do and how to react in specific situations (for example receiving notices of denial, obtaining the status of the claim at different points, providing needed evidence, and undergoing a disability interview with a Social Security Claims Representative).
Sound Outreach provides compassionate guidance and beneficial tools for individuals and communities to move from financial insecurity to financial wellness and prosperity. In 1996, Senior Outreach Services was launched to fill a gap in the availability of outreach services to seniors and people with disabilities in Pierce County. In 2001, we broadened our services, becoming South Sound Outreach Services. Today, we are simply, Sound Outreach, focused on helping find solutions for residents in the Pierce County region through a “no wrong door” approach. Please visit our website for more information on services, stories, events, and more information.
The South Sound Autism Partnership is a collaboration between individuals, families, providers, and organizations who are part of the autism community within the South Puget Sound area of Washington State. Our primary purpose is to increase awareness, acceptance and advocacy of autism in order to provide support for our community and impact change. We have monthly resource sharing meetings on the UW Tacoma campus. Anyone is welcome to attend. Please email us for more information! Our goals are: to strengthen and coordinate the existing resources through building authentic relationships in the South Puget Sound area that serve our community; to identify and further clarify the unmet needs of our community and help develop resources to meet those needs; to provide comprehensive information regarding needed supports for our community throughout the lifespan.
Stand for Children Washington has been advocating on behalf of public education in Washington since 2007. We are a non-profit education advocacy organization focused on ensuring all students receive a high quality, relevant education, especially those whose boundless potential is overlooked and under-tapped because of their skin color, zip code, first language, or disability. To fulfill our mission, we organize parents and community members to speak up and demand excellent schools for their children. We work closely with state legislators to shape education policy and with school districts to implement programming that will benefit every kid. We ensure that the the policies we fight for reach classrooms and directly support students by supporting school districts with guidance and tools to implement successful strategies. Our political action committee takes great care to endorse and support candidates running for office in Washington who are committed education champions and will center students in their decision-making.
StopBullying.gov provides information from various government agencies on what bullying is, what cyberbullying is, who is at risk, and how you can prevent and respond to bullying. StopBullying.gov coordinates closely with the Federal Partners in Bullying Prevention Steering Committee, an interagency effort co-led by the Department of Education and the Department of Health and Human Services that works to coordinate policy, research, and communications on bullying topics. The Federal Partners include representatives from the U.S. Departments of Agriculture, Defense, Education, Health and Human Services, the Interior, and Justice, as well as the Federal Trade Commission and the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Please visit our website for more information.
Support Services for the Developmentally Disabled
- University Place
Support Services is committed to helping those with developmental disabilities succeed in independent living and be included in their local community. We provide advocacy in areas such as: payee services, information and referral, crisis intervention, criminal justice, guardianship, personal advocacy, employment assistance, and paperwork for benefits.
Tacoma Area Coalition of Individuals with Disabilities (TACID)
- Tacoma
TACID is a peer-led, peer-directed wellness and recovery organization that serves adult individuals in Pierce County who have a visible or invisible disability. All services and programs are provided free of charge to participants. TACID exists to provide services and programs that empower individuals with diabilites to live their fullest possible life. We are promoting the independence of individuals with diabilities through peer support, advocacy, and self-sufficiency programming. Services provided include: classes, day and evening support groups, workshops, information and referral services, behavioral health ombuds services, training opportunities, one-on-one peer support, computer lab, meditation, yoga, sacred movement, healing touch light massage, community garden, clothing bank (Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and possible appointments for an urgent need 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.), activies, some volunteer opportunites, and day room.
Tacoma Community House is a nationally-respected, community-based service center for immigrants, refugees, and long-time South Sound residents seeking enrichment and pathways to self-sufficiency. For 108 years, we have helped countless individuals gain the skills they need to transition out of poverty, navigate a new culture, and find personal and professional success. Many people come to us seeking one type of service and end up utilizing others, making us one of Tacoma’s most unique “one stop shops.” Annually, we provide 3,800 program services to 3,500 individuals from over 100 countries through our four core programs: Education, Employment, Immigration, and Advocacy (for crime victims).
Tacomaprobono can help with civil legal issues in Pierce County when you cannot afford to hire an attorney. You do not have to be a Pierce County resident to get help with your case, but we can help you best if your case is in a Pierce County court or in Puyallup Tribal Court. The Tacoma-Pierce County Bar Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization created to fund Tacomaprobono Community Lawyers and to support other programs, projects and organizations providing low-income legal services, pro se assistance, public legal education and information in Pierce County, Washington. Please visit our website for more information.
We are tenacious problem solvers with legal expertise in all aspects of the law impacting youth. Our primary areas of practice focus on youth rights to education, healthcare, housing and the intersections between the child welfare and juvenile justice systems. We find out what matters to youth who ask for our help, and our lawyers champion their solutions to overcome the obstacles to their success. We stand with youth. Our legal expertise and training give us a unique vantage point. We see how injustice and inequity are hard-wired into public systems of care. We are driven to shine light where policies and practices allow for disparities and poor outcomes to persist. We are earnest in calling in key stakeholders to dismantle systems that don’t work. We are dedicated to holding space for impacted youth and community to develop and drive the solutions and strategies that replace outdated and ineffective approaches that dehumanize, isolate and damage youth. Our programs include: legal services when youth are in crisis and not receiving the support they need to thrive, training/consulting when proven solutions and approaches are not being used in the field, and policy advcacy when current practices repeatedly and systematically hold young people back.
Through the Looking Glass (TLG) is a nationally recognized center that has pioneered research, training, and services for families in which a child, parent or grandparent has a disability or medical issue. TLG is a disability community based non-profit organization, which emerged from the independent living movement, and was founded in 1982 in Berkeley, California.
Promotes the independence, productivity and full citizenship of people with cerebral palsy, intellectual and developmental disabilities, and other conditions, through an affiliate network. United Cerebral Palsy is a trusted resource for individuals with cerebral palsy and other disabilities and their networks. Individuals with cerebral palsy and other disabilities deserve every opportunity to live life to the fullest. UCP strives to make that happen.
University of Washington Autism Centers
- Seattle
UW Seattle Office, Center on Human Development and Disability
The UW Autism Center is a non-profit organization devoted to supporting individuals and families affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders through exceptional clinical services, innovative scientific research, and high-quality training. The Tacoma clinic currently offers Autism diagnostic evaluations for all ages but expedited evaluations for children under 3 who are already enrolled in Birth-to-Three, outpatient speech therapy, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapies in the clinic and home as well as an intensive 12 week program for children under age 6 who have state insurance plans, and social skills groups. The Tacoma clinic also offers trainings for parents, professionals and community members on ASD related topics, as well as student internship and clinical practicum rotations. Please contact us for more information about any of these resources.
The UW Autism Center is a non-profit organization devoted to supporting individuals and families affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders through exceptional clinical services, innovative scientific research, and high-quality training. The Tacoma clinic currently offers Autism diagnostic evaluations for all ages but expedited evaluations for children under 3 who are already enrolled in Birth-to-Three, outpatient speech therapy, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapies in the clinic and home as well as an intensive 12 week program for children under age 6 who have state insurance plans, and social skills groups. The Tacoma clinic also offers trainings for parents, professionals and community members on ASD related topics, as well as student internship and clinical practicum rotations. Please contact us for more information about any of these resources.
Washington Assistive Technology Act Program (WATAP)
The mission of Washington Assistive Technology Act Program (WATAP) is to provide a comprehensive continuum of services and resources to help Washingtonians with disabilities of all ages to make informed decisions about assistive technology (AT), and to provide alternative means of acquiring the AT they need. WATAP serves not only individuals with disabilities, but also their circle of support including family members, employers, employment service providers, educators, health care providers, social service providers, and others seeking AT expertise in all areas of life, but especially in education, employment, and community living.
Washington Parent Training and Information (PTI) Center
- Tacoma
The Parent Training and Information Center (PTI) serves all of Washington State and is a federally funded program that works to provide free resources, information and training for parents, youth and other professionals to understand and navigate the special education system. PTI resource coordinators live and work all over Washington state to offer: training via articles, video, or on-demand and in-person workshops. One-to-one assistance (technical assistance/TA) to navigate early intervention, special education, general education, post-secondary and other related systems in Washington State. This includes coaching, support, and mentoring to further support the understanding of your rights and responsibilities in the special education system. (Located on the Tacoma Community College Campus in parking lot “I” as you enter from 12th Street; opposite side of the campus from TACID.)
Washington PAVE (Partnerships for Action, Voices for Empowerment)
- Tacoma
PAVE provides support, training, information and resources to empower and give voice to individuals, youth and families impacted by disabilities. We envision an inclusive community that values the unique abilities, cultures, voices, contributions and potential of all individuals. PAVE’s online Helpline is available in multiple languages and the phone in English and Spanish. The Helpline is staffed 5 days a week and will make referrals to the many programs of PAVE. In addition to serving Pierce County some are also statewide for you, your family and those you know. In Pierce County: Person Centered Planning Program (PCP); Pierce County Parent to Parent (P2P); Paving a Unique Road for People on the Autism Spectrum (PURPAS); Spark Pierce County; and Start Now! Statewide programs include: the Family to Family Health & Information Center (F2FHIC); Parent Training and Information (PTI) Center; Lifespan Respite WA; and the Specialized Training of Military Parents (STOMP). Please visit our website for more information. (Located on the Tacoma Community College Campus in parking lot “I” as you enter from 12th Street; opposite side of the campus from TACID.)
Washington State Department of Services for the Blind
- Tacoma
Provides rehabilitation services and vocational rehabilation to those with low vision or who are blind. Serves children, youth, adults, and senior citizens.
Washington State Developmental Disabilities Council (DDC)
- Olympia
The Washington Developmental Disabilities Council’s mission is to advocate, promote and implement policies and practices to create pathways to meaningful, integrated and productive lives for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities over the life course. Developmental Disabilities Council members are appointed by the Governor to plan comprehensive services for the State of Washington’s citizens with developmental disabilities.
The Washington State Fathers Network (WSFN) connects men with other dads, resources, information, and education, plus offers opportunities for “all family” celebrations. Focus is on assisting fathers as they become more competent and compassionate caregivers for their children with special needs. We also train parents to advocate for change and we promote the idea of equal access to the community for everyone. We are organized in a loose collection of chapters across the state. In addition to the WSFN statewide programs, each chapter runs their own set of local activities and programs.
A one stop resource center for homeownership and foreclosure information specifically for Washington residents. Developed by the Washington State Department of Financial Institutions with support from the Washington State Housing Finance Commission and Washington Department of Commerce. Programs include mediation, forclosure assistance, buying a home, refinancing, avoiding scams, abandoned and nuisances properties and who to contact.
Washington State Human Rights Commission
- Olympia
The mission of the WSHRC is to eliminate and prevent discrimination in Washington State through the fair application of the law, efficient use of resources, and establishment of productive partnerships in the community. The Washington State Human Rights Commission enforces the Law Against Discrimination (RCW 49.60).
Washington State Independent Living Council (WASILC)
The Washington State Independent Living Council is a statewide cross disability network supporting the independent living philosophy for people with disabilities through advocacy, education, planning, and collaboration, and is charged with the development and monitoring of the State Independent Living Plan. Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act, the Council is Governor appointed and at least 51% of council members are people with disabilities.
Washington State Office of the Family and Children Ombudsman (OFCO)
- Tukwila
The Mission of the Office of the Family and Children’s Ombuds is to protect children and parents from harmful agency action or inaction, and to make agency officials and state policy makers aware of system-wide issues in the child protection and child welfare system so they can improve services. The Family and Children’s Ombuds investigates complaints about agency actions or inaction that involve: any child at risk of abuse, neglect, or other harm and a child or parent involved with child protection or child welfare services. We intervene in cases in which we have determined that an agency’s action or inaction is unauthorized or unreasonable. In addition to addressing complaints, we work to identify system-wide issues and recommend appropriate changes in public reports to the Governor, the Legislature and agency officials.
Washington State Office of the Long-Term Care Ombudsman
The Washington State Long-Term Care Ombudsman advocates for residents of nursing homes, adult family homes, and assisted living facilities. Our purpose is to protect and promote the resident rights guaranteed these residents under federal and state law and regulations. We are trained to receive complaints and resolve problems in situations involving quality of care, use of restraints, transfer and discharge, abuse and other aspects of resident dignity and rights. We serve: residents of nursing homes, assisted living facilities, adult family homes and veteran’s homes, relatives and friends of residents in long-term care facilities, administrators and employees of nursing homes, assisted living facilities, adult family homes and veterans’ homes, any group or individual concerned about the welfare of residents of long-term care facilities, and the community-at-large.
The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) and the Washington State Rehabilitation Council (WSRC), have developed a policy partnership for the purpose of increasing the number of Washingtonians with disabilities who are employed and achieving economic advancement. DVR contributes to our partnership by providing guidance, counseling, services, and supports that job seekers with disabilities need to overcome barriers to employment and go to work. The WSRC contributes to our partnership by making sure that the vocational rehabilitation service system is working well for the people it serves.
Wilson Clinical Services provides specialized services to the deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind, and late deafened population throughout the state of Washington and the United States. These services are available to community centers, private individuals, group homes, prisons, courts, schools, and other places that are in need of specialized care.